Animal Massage using Whole Energy Body Balance For Pets (WEBB)

Releases silent pain and tension within the body that can cause unwanted behaviours. Helps anxious, nervous animals rebalance their nervous system while carrying out an energy connection massage that works on the physical and emotional levels, encouraging healthy energy flow around the body.  It releases trauma stuck within the neuro fascia network and creates healthy movement and blood flow thus further promoting health and wellbeing. It is intuitive and the animal leads the way by showing relaxation responses. Because it helps to balance the nervous system to a parasympathetic nervous state promoting self-regulation, it is also good for hyperactive dogs, especially if the behaviour is being caused by silent pain and tension.  A constant state of stress and hyperactivity is not a healthy way to live life and can lead to physical disease. WEBB bodywork can help to release this before it gets to the physical.

WEBB is good for health maintenance, unwanted behaviour, trauma release, and anxiety. If the animal is under veterinary treatment at the time or is unwell, there will need to be a veterinary referral. A three-week course is recommended initially but this depends on the animal, sometimes more treatments will be required for more anxious animals.


£35  35-minute consultation 

A course of 3 - £100 

*Please note that with very stressed/anxious dogs it may take three sessions of very light work to get them to calm down and accept the feeling of the WEBB before we can work deeper with further sessions.

WEBB Bodywork for Pets Practitioner Training and WEBB Home for your animals.

For those of you who would like to work as a WEBB practitioner and for those of you who may feel that you would like to offer WEBB Bodywork yourself to your animals.

WEBB Energywork is also available at the end of the year at the Practitioner level and Home level.
