
I am so grateful to Esme for all of the healing work she has done with my dog Riya and myself. Riya had extremely itchy skin which was flaking off, her hair was falling out and she wasn't herself. The vet suggested putting her on drugs for the rest of her life, this is when I approached Esme, I am so glad I did! She has completely changed Riya's life using beautiful holistic therapies. Esme guided me while I changed Riya's diet, made changes to Riya's life, and used healing herbs, oils and energy healing. We sat and talked in depth about Riya in Esme's wonderful yurt. Esme really cares about the animals she works with. Riya's skin has improved drastically, her fur is healthier than ever and she is like a puppy again! Thank you Esme 🙏 I highly recommend!!!

Riya and Alice 

So so thankful to Esme for helping my dog Benji he is so much happier since his Meridian Balance.  The reason I spoke to Esme about Benji originally was because he was very lethargic and seemed just sad all the time and Was always dawdling behind on walks.  He was also overweight and despite me cutting his food was not losing weight.  Esme gave me advice on food as well as the meridian balance and after hearing my story selected some oils she thought would help Benji.  She explained that Benji may be grieving for Poppy who was a dog we had that sadly passed away, Benji had been with her since the day we brought him home as a puppy and he never left her side.  During the consultation I had with Esme (after receiving the oils ) she was very informative explaining to me about the different oils she had selected and the benefits they may have and went into great detail about how it all worked.  I then followed the instructions given and then spoke with Esme again after a few weeks.  It was amazing. She could see with her eyes the difference in Benji.  He was brighter more active and had lost 0.5kg already.  Benji is so much happier now and trots ahead on our walks with his sister as he used to with Poppy.  I hated seeing my boy so sad and am truly grateful for Esme's advice and help. 

Benji and Jess 

WOW, Esmé! You made the biggest difference to our (Sphynx) Austin in such a short space of time. We were feeling stressed about his worsening & ongoing cough. After multiple visits to the vets & being put on long-term medication, nothing changed & we had no resolution or diagnosis. You changed everything! It was incredible, after one healing session with you Austin’s cough dramatically reduced & almost stopped altogether. He remained unbothered for a few months. 

Then we did the follow up session which included the use of herbs, which was fascinating. Seeing Austin drawn to the Valerian confirmed your intuition that his symptoms might be linked to stress. Or linked to times that I feel stressed, suggesting that he may be mirroring my behaviour/feelings. I’m extremely grateful for your help & I’m looking forward to setting up another healing session for Austin. Esmé, you truly are magical…. 

Thank you x 

Esme is a gentle, knowledgeable and passionate carer to both animals and humans. Her gentle ways provide a sense of trust and ease when working with her. Esme has supported our family with our elderly cat, we have seen such positive changes to our cat through the gentle and natural healing Esme has provided. We have learnt so much from Esme and the holistic approach and how this translates to the well-being of the animal and human. We would recommend Esme to anyone who is looking for an experienced and wise healer with a wealth of wisdom. 

Jess Breedt 

Esme is an incredible healer. She is intuitive, gentle and supportive. She has worked with two of my dogs and demonstrated how she can address very different needs. She has a natural affinity with animals, a depth of knowledge and a wide experience that supports her approach. It was fascinating to observe how the dogs responded. She is generous with her time and advice and I learned a huge amount from her which helped me to manage my dog’s health and behavior. My own experience of her healing and sensory enrichment was immensely helpful when I was going through a very stressful time. The chakra dancing was a unique experience that helped me to release unhelpful feelings and started me on a process of healing.

Nicola and Goldie

Esme's gentle manner immediately put us at ease. She took time to "get to know" Hazel and then began to massage her. Not only did Hazel seem to enjoy her therapy which also included the "sensory enrichment" she was completely relaxed, her aches and pains eased and to date ( over 9 months ) has not shown any signs of returning. 

We have also noticed Hazel now sleeps throughout the night whereas before her session with Esme she would get us up a couple of times a night. During the consultation Esme advised on changing Hazel's diet which we have done, this has improved her appetite whilst maintaining an ideal weight. We would not hesitate to recommend Esme, we seem to have a very happy dog! Thanks, Esme

Mr and Mrs Clark

We came to the mind body and spirit event with our dog Willow.

Willow is a 7-year-old Bischon, who had become really nervous after being in a car crash last year. It was impossible for us to get her to settle, she would shake, whimper, and pant on every journey, whereas before the accident she would just fall asleep.

At first, when we met Esme, Willow wouldn't stop barking just loud angry barks, it was as if she was shouting, it was quite upsetting to see her so distressed. ... We had to coax her out from under my chair with the dog biscuits...

Then with gentle coaxing and a soothing voice, Esme did her magic, after a few minutes Willow settled right down, and allowed Esme began to gently massage her offering healing, and the change in Willow's energy was clear to see. If I hadn't been there to see it for myself, I probably wouldn't have believed that the change was possible.

Willow stayed relaxing all evening, but the best bit... She fell fast asleep in the car on the way home, totally relaxed, incredible.

If you have a dog, who like Willow is anxious, unsettled, with underlying trauma, go to see Esme, she is the new Dog Whisperer in town


Esme has been really helpful with my two elderly cats who had different issues. She did a thorough assessment and then supported us well throughout the process. She was happy to answer my questions when issues came up and was really helpful with solutions. The herb pillows went down very well with them. I now have two happier cats, more relaxed and less behavioral issues, and one less anxious owner!

Rachel and cats

Esme has helped me with two of my horses. One I have owned since a 2 year old. Celinde is a Dutch mare. She had been raised with another young mare and in the first winter had shared a stable with this weanling, who was more dominant. Forage was limited as breeders were concerned about osteochondrosis and this left her aggressive in the stable and also with gut issues. She wind sucked and suffered from frequent colic. Esme really helped Celinde. Her approach was quiet, gentle, thorough and professional. At the time Esme was working with Celinde I was having some health issues and needed a lot of help to work through the process. Esme was so understanding and helpful. Celinde is a happier horse and her colic has reduced by 95%.

My second horse Troy I purchased in January. He has had a very successful competitive career and is now ready for a quieter life. He is very well-mannered and a lovely horse but is quietly worried - Esmeis working on his inner calm and even in a short time has made a difference to his outlook. He is relaxing and beginning to enjoy a different pace of life. I can highly recommend Esme.

Alison Wright