Harmony Healing Journey

Available for all species

The Healing Journey...

This is a journey of healing and you as a guardian are a big part of it. I will work with you and support you through the journey which ranges from 2-6 months sometimes longer. I take a holistic view of your animal's lifestyle, environmental enrichments, and diet and offer suggestions of how this can be improved to help support your animal, nutrition is one of the most important things to get right.  I use essential oils, hydrosols, herbs powders, and flower essences and take a  Traditional Chinese Medicine approach that views the body as a whole and we work to balance the body again. Together we can help create a space for self-healing. We take away the stresses of the animal by giving back choice, therefore everything I suggest is on a self-selection basis and never forced. The animals know what they need to heal. 

This is available for all species. The consultations can be carried out distantly via Zoom call so you don't have to live in Suffolk to benefit from what I offer. The botanicals will be sent to you (there is a £5.00 flat rate additional charge for sending botanicals).


£120 - Includes two assessments with reports/ oils/hydrosols. Flower Essences are sometimes recommended at an extra exchange of £12 per bottle.

You can visit the yurt for sessions or I can visit your home if you are within 1hr from home  I can also send the botanicals to you if necessary, this will include two Zoom calls once the botanicals have been received.

Additional MBA assessments include one set of oils/hydrosols/essences/zoom call or visit to Yurt


Animal self-selection consultations - approx 1 hr sessions - £60

Good for maintenance and for curious beings who would like to know more about it. I will show you how to offer to your animal and you get to take home up to three samples of essential oils they choose and up to two hydrosols. They will also be offered a few herb powders all on a self-selection basis. Energy healing is a good add-on to this too!

In cases where acupressure is required I will need to see your animal three times -

£210 - small animals visiting the yurt x 3 assessments. Includes reports/oils/hydrosols/essences/acupressure. In the case of cats, I can visit your home but an additional £10 per visit (£30) will be added to the exchange for travel time + mileage at 45p per mile over 10 miles from home.

£240 - horses, includes 3 x assessment/botanicals as above and visits to the yard - travel expenses are in addition to exchange at a rate of 45p a mile over 10 miles to and from the stables.

*Concessions available for supported families

Please note that if I am sending you the oils there is an additional flat rate charge of £5.00 for P&P per set of oils sent. 

*If your animal is under veterinary care, please let them know that you would like to use essential oils/hydrosols/herbs on your animals with a trained practitioner who will make suggestions and teach you how to do this. Please also let your vet know that acupressure may be applied (no more than five points at one time).*